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/* Copyright 2022 Mario Finelli
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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//! Advent of Code 2022 Day 13: <https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/13>
//! I today's prompt to be rather challenging. Not because the rules were
//! particularly complicated, but it took me a while to figure out how to
//! represent arbitrarily nested, mixed (list of more of self or numeric) data
//! types into a single vector that would capture each packet. In the end the
//! solution was to use an `enum` type (that I called `Data`) that can by the
//! `T` in a `Vec<T>` that is either another vector of Data items or a numeric
//! primitive. Note that I actually used a [`std::collections::VecDeque`] to
//! represent the list of other Data types as when doing the comparisons we
//! want to look at the front of the lists first. Using a Deque and then
//! mutating it to perform the comparisons is fundamentally the wrong approach
//! (sorting a list of elements shouldn't also _modify_ those elements) but it
//! does allow me to simply pop and element from both lists at the same time
//! and compare if I got back `Some` or `None` without needing to resort to
//! index and length checking before attempting to read each element. However,
//! this also caused problems in part two, as I couldn't just run a normal
//! sort on an array of the packets, so instead I kept track of the original
//! string packet and then parsed it into the Data representation and ran its
//! order check on each pass of the loop inside of a custom [insertion
//! sort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort) loop. I chose insertion
//! sort as it's easy to implement and even though it has a bad worst case
//! complexity the actual data set is small enough that I don't expect properly
//! implementing quicksort or similar to make an actual difference.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
/// We use the Data type to hold either a vector of other Data elements or the
/// number primitive. Putting it in an enum lets us use a single vector to
/// handle both types.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Data {
/// The solution for the day thirteen challenge.
/// We take the usual input as a string and whether we're solving for part `1`
/// (sum of the indices that are in order) or part `2` (product of the indices
/// of the two extra data packets that we add).
/// We start by splitting the input every three lines so that we check each
/// pair if it's ordered or not, we also add the string representation of both
/// to our vector that we'll sort later if we're computing part `2`. If we're
/// computing part `1` then we need to parse the input into a `Data`
/// representation and then check if the pairs are ordered. If they are then
/// we add one to our index and then add that to the sum of ordered indices.
/// After going through all of the pairs and we're doing part `1` then we're
/// done - just return the result. Otherwise we're doing part two and we need
/// to add the extra data packets and then sort all of them. As explained above
/// I implemented a simple insertion sort (while additionally parsing the input
/// for each comparison pass because of the state mutation) to achieve this.
/// After sorting we do one final loop through the input to calculate the
/// product of the indices of the extra packets we added and then we're done.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use aoc::y22d13::y22d13;
/// // probably read this from the input file...
/// let input = "[1,2]\n[3,[4]]\n\n[[5]]\n[]\n";
/// assert_eq!(y22d13(input, 1), 1);
/// assert_eq!(y22d13(input, 2), 18);
/// ```
pub fn y22d13(input: &str, part: u32) -> u32 {
let lines: Vec<_> = input.lines().collect();
let mut data = Vec::new();
let mut result = 0;
for (i, packet_pair) in lines.chunks(3).enumerate() {
if part == 1 {
let first_packet_raw: Vec<_> = packet_pair[0].chars().collect();
let second_packet_raw: Vec<_> = packet_pair[1].chars().collect();
let first_packet = parse_packet(first_packet_raw);
let second_packet = parse_packet(second_packet_raw);
match in_order(first_packet, second_packet) {
Some(ordered) => {
if ordered {
result += i as u32 + 1;
None => panic!("Couldn't reach a decision!"),
if part == 1 {
return result;
// we're strictly in part two here
// insertion sort can be O(n^2) but we have such a small dataset that it's
// fine; it's not worth the effort to implement a more efficient sorting
// algorithm
for i in 1..data.len() {
let mut j = i;
while j > 0
&& !in_order(
parse_packet(data[j - 1].chars().collect()),
data.swap(j - 1, j);
j -= 1;
result = 1;
for (i, d) in data.iter().enumerate() {
if d == &"[[2]]" || d == &"[[6]]" {
result *= (i as u32) + 1;
/// Given two Data elements determines if they are in order based on the rules
/// from the challenge prompt. Getting back `Some` means that we have a
/// definitive answer, getting back `None` means that we need to keep
/// processing within the current loop.
fn in_order(a: Data, b: Data) -> Option<bool> {
match a {
Data::V(mut a) => match b {
Data::V(mut b) => loop {
// both a and b are lists, loop through them and compare
let a_item = a.pop_front();
let b_item = b.pop_front();
match a_item {
Some(a_item) => match b_item {
Some(b_item) => match in_order(a_item, b_item) {
Some(v) => return Some(v),
None => continue,
None => {
// b ran out of items before a; they're not ordered
return Some(false);
None => {
// a ran out of items before b; if b still has items
// they they're ordered, if b also ran out of items
// then keep processing
if b_item.is_some() {
return Some(true);
} else {
return None;
Data::N(b) => {
// a is a list, b is not - convert it to a list and try again
let mut b_as_v = VecDeque::new();
in_order(Data::V(a), Data::V(b_as_v))
Data::N(a) => match b {
Data::V(b) => {
// b is a list, a is not - convert it to a list and try again
let mut a_as_v = VecDeque::new();
in_order(Data::V(a_as_v), Data::V(b))
Data::N(b) => match a.cmp(&b) {
Ordering::Less => Some(true),
Ordering::Greater => Some(false),
Ordering::Equal => None,
/// Parse a data packet (given as characters) and return a its Data
/// representation.
fn parse_packet(chars: Vec<char>) -> Data {
let mut number_builder = String::new();
let mut array_stack: Vec<Data> = Vec::new();
let mut current_array = Data::V(VecDeque::new());
// skip the first character as input must always be a list and we
// initialized the root vector above
for c in chars.iter().skip(1) {
if c == &'[' {
// we found a new nested vector, put the current vector onto the
// stack and then set the current vector to a new, empty vector
current_array = Data::V(VecDeque::new());
} else if c == &']' {
if !number_builder.is_empty() {
// we found the end of an array, and we previously found some
// numbers, parse them into an integer and then add it to the
// current vector
let number: u32 = number_builder.parse().unwrap();
number_builder = String::new();
let arr = if let Data::V(ref mut arr) = current_array {
} else {
panic!("vector will always be a Vector")
} else {
// we found the end of an array, and we did not previously
// find any numbers, close the array, pop the parent vector
// off the stack and add the array to it; if there aren't any
// vectors on the stack then we're already on the root vector
// and we found the end of its input so we can return it
match array_stack.pop() {
Some(parent_array) => {
let finished_array = current_array;
current_array = parent_array;
let arr = if let Data::V(ref mut arr) = current_array {
} else {
panic!("array will always be a Vector")
None => return current_array,
} else if c == &',' {
if !number_builder.is_empty() {
// we found an array separator (",") and we've been previously
// parsing numbers, convert them into an integer and then
// re-initialize the number builder
let number: u32 = number_builder.parse().unwrap();
number_builder = String::new();
let arr = if let Data::V(ref mut arr) = current_array {
} else {
panic!("array will always be a Vector")
} else {
// we found an array separator (",") but we haven't been
// parsing numbers which means that we found the end of an
// array that is mixed in with other elements, pop the parent
// vector off the stack and add the array to it; if there are
// no parent vectors it means that we're in the root vector
// already (which we got back after we found its closing "]")
match array_stack.pop() {
Some(parent_array) => {
let finished_array = current_array;
current_array = parent_array;
let arr = if let Data::V(ref mut arr) = current_array {
} else {
panic!("array will always be a Vector")
None => continue, // current_array is already the root
} else {
// we found a number add it to our number builder so that we can
// parse it when we get to a character that signals the end of a
// number ("]" or ",")
number_builder += &c.to_string();
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fs;
fn test_in_order() {
let mut input_a = "[1,1,3,1,1]".chars().collect();
let mut input_b = "[1,1,5,1,1]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[[1],[2,3,4]]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[[1],4]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[9]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[[8,7,6]]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[[4,4],4,4]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[[4,4],4,4,4]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[7,7,7,7]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[7,7,7]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[3]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[[[]]]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[[]]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
input_a = "[1,[2,[3,[4,[5,6,7]]]],8,9]".chars().collect();
input_b = "[1,[2,[3,[4,[5,6,0]]]],8,9]".chars().collect();
in_order(parse_packet(input_a), parse_packet(input_b)),
fn test_parse_packet() {
let mut input: Vec<char> = "[9]".chars().collect();
let mut inner = VecDeque::new();
assert_eq!(parse_packet(input), Data::V(inner));
input = "[[9,8],7]".chars().collect();
let mut inner2 = VecDeque::new();
let mut inner = VecDeque::new();
assert_eq!(parse_packet(input), Data::V(inner));
input = "[[],[]]".chars().collect();
let inner1 = VecDeque::new();
let inner2 = VecDeque::new();
let mut inner = VecDeque::new();
assert_eq!(parse_packet(input), Data::V(inner));
fn it_works() {
let input = concat!(
assert_eq!(y22d13(input, 1), 13);
assert_eq!(y22d13(input, 2), 140);
fn the_solution() {
let contents = fs::read_to_string("input/2022/day13.txt").unwrap();
assert_eq!(y22d13(&contents, 1), 6395);
assert_eq!(y22d13(&contents, 2), 24921);