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/* Copyright 2022-2024 Mario Finelli
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//! Advent of Code 2022 Day 7: <https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/7>
//! I initially started this out by trying to make a more robust representation
//! of the "filesystem" using custom structs for directories and files but
//! after arguing for a little while with the borrow checker while trying to
//! keep track of the parent directory I realized that I was over-complicating
//! things. Instead I settled on a solution that just creates a
//! [`std::collections::HashMap`] of full directory paths and then as it sees
//! each file it adds the size to each of the directory components stored in
//! the hash all the way up to the root (`/`) entry.
use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::path::PathBuf;
/// The solution for the day seven challenge.
/// Given the usual parameters of the input as a string and which part `1` or
/// `2` we start by parsing the input to build a representation of the total
/// file size contained in each directory as described above.
/// We start by analyzing each line (skipping the first line which we assume
/// will be changing into the root directory which we've used to setup the
/// initial state i.e., set the current path to the root and initialize its
/// size to zero). If we have a change directory command then simply we update
/// the current path marker. If we have a list directory command then we
/// insert the path into a list of directories that we have already visited.
/// We do this to ensure that we don't double count any directories if we list
/// them more than once. The provided input doesn't actually do this but I
/// wasn't sure if that was the case or not when I started and wanted a guard.
/// In theory it's possible to remove it now, but it doesn't hurt to keep
/// around (just increases the memory requirements).
/// Otherwise, we can assume that we're reading the results from listing the
/// directory. Other directories start with the string `dir` which we can use
/// to then initialize those directories with size `0` in our sizes map. If
/// we don't have a directory then we must have a file so we add its size to
/// the current directory and then explode the directory and add its size to
/// every component back up to the root which gives us the desired cumulative
/// size for each directory part.
/// After computing the (cumulative) size of each directory we can respond to
/// the challenge prompt. In part one we just loop through all of the
/// directories and if their total size is greater than `1000000` (provided by
/// the prompt) then we add the size to the total. In part two we instead
/// compute the free space (total space minus the total size of the root
/// directory) and then loop through our directories. If deleting the directory
/// would give us enough free space (both total space and required space are
/// provided by the prompt) then we add the directory size to a min-heap.
/// Finally, we can simply pop the smallest directory that satisfies the
/// minimum space requirements.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use aoc::y22d07::y22d07;
/// // probably read this from the input file...
/// let input = concat![
/// "$ cd /\n",
/// "$ ls\n",
/// "39950000 a\n",
/// "dir b\n",
/// "dir c\n",
/// "$ cd b\n",
/// "$ ls\n",
/// "50000 d\n",
/// "$ cd ..\n",
/// "$ cd c\n",
/// "$ ls\n",
/// "10000000 e",
/// ];
/// assert_eq!(y22d07(&input, 1), 50000);
/// assert_eq!(y22d07(&input, 2), 10000000);
/// ```
pub fn y22d07(input: &str, part: u32) -> u32 {
let lines: Vec<_> = input.lines().collect();
// we assume that the first line/command is to change into the root
let mut current_path = PathBuf::from("/");
let mut sizes = HashMap::new();
let mut visited = Vec::new();
sizes.insert(current_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), 0);
// enforce our assumption above...
if lines[0] != "$ cd /" || lines[1] != "$ ls" {
panic!("Didn't get expected starting input!");
for line in lines.iter().skip(1) {
let current_path_string = current_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string();
if line.starts_with("$ cd ") {
let cmd: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
let dir = cmd[2];
if dir == ".." {
} else {
} else if line == &"$ ls" {
if visited.contains(¤t_path_string) {
panic!("We already visited this directory");
} else {
} else {
let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
let name = parts[1];
if parts[0] == "dir" {
let fulldir =
let status = sizes.insert(fulldir, 0);
if status.is_some() {
panic!("Tried to insert a directory that already exists");
} else {
let fsize: u32 = parts[0].parse().unwrap();
.and_modify(|size| *size += fsize);
let mut paths = current_path.clone();
while paths.pop() {
let path_str = paths.to_str().unwrap().to_string();
sizes.entry(path_str).and_modify(|size| *size += fsize);
if part == 1 {
let mut total = 0;
for (_dir, size) in sizes {
if size <= 100000 {
total += size;
} else {
let total_disk_space = 70000000;
let required_disk_space = 30000000;
let current_free_space = total_disk_space - sizes.get("/").unwrap();
let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();
for (_dir, size) in sizes {
if size + current_free_space >= required_disk_space {
let Reverse(smallest) = heap.pop().unwrap();
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fs;
fn it_works() {
let input = concat!(
"$ cd /\n",
"$ ls\n",
"dir a\n",
"14848514 b.txt\n",
"8504156 c.dat\n",
"dir d\n",
"$ cd a\n",
"$ ls\n",
"dir e\n",
"29116 f\n",
"2557 g\n",
"62596 h.lst\n",
"$ cd e\n",
"$ ls\n",
"584 i\n",
"$ cd ..\n",
"$ cd ..\n",
"$ cd d\n",
"$ ls\n",
"4060174 j\n",
"8033020 d.log\n",
"5626152 d.ext\n",
"7214296 k\n",
assert_eq!(y22d07(input, 1), 95437);
assert_eq!(y22d07(input, 2), 24933642);
fn the_solution() {
let contents = fs::read_to_string("input/2022/day07.txt").unwrap();
assert_eq!(y22d07(&contents, 1), 1582412);
assert_eq!(y22d07(&contents, 2), 3696336);