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Advent of Code 2022 Day 3: https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/3
The day three challenge basically amounts to finding characters in strings.
For the first part we need to find a single character that appears in both
the first half and the second half of each string. I approached this by
looping through each line and in the first half of the string adding each
character to a std::collections::HashSet
as it’s seen. Then in the
second half of the string we check each character as we pass to see if it
exists in the Set – once we find a match we’re done for that line.
I didn’t try, but it may be faster or more efficient to just split the
string in two and then loop through the second half only and just run a
check on the entire first half string.
This is similar to the approach that I took for the second part of the challenge. We loop through each group, but we actually only loop through the characters in the third string of the group and check if both of the first two strings contain the character in which case we’re done.
Finally, for determining the priority we just define a string with the priorities in order so that we can do a simple lookup for a given character (plus one because the string is zero-indexed).
- The solution for the day three challenge. In reality calls a second function based on the second argument (part
or part2